Frequently Asked Question

The most common questions around veritall.

Can I Upgrade or Downgrade my plan?

As you deem necessary, you can downgrade or upgrade but automatically relinquish the days remaining of the previous plan.

Can i Upload any Type of product image

NO. You must upload a white background product image with Dimension as 1000pixel x1000pixel, and not more than 60kb size

Will my Product codes be in your data bank for life?

Provided you or your agent remain active, your product image will remain in the database for life.

Will my Product codes ever change

Provided you do not tweak any of the data in your business/brand page, every product code (Barcode and QR code will remain as you left it. However, in the future, we shall introduce a lock feature that prevents access to already printed codes.

What do you mean by being Active?

By being active, it means that you renew all subscriptions applicable to your plan.

Where My Agent can no longer be reached, How can i keep track of my product codes?

You simply contact us.

Didn’t find the answer? Contact us here


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