Veritall is the data bank of verifiable product codes that continuously validate local products with authenticators and security features for the global market.
Ki jan li fonksyone?
Register a new account > Setup a business/brand/Trademark > Add Products > Generate Temporary Product Barcode and QrCodes
Setup Brand / Business
Add Product
Generates Temporary Codes
Re-affirm your contact information. Especially your Business Address and phone numbers.
Sealed on Verifyta2
Barcode / QrCodes
Why Virtual Card?
Ou ka aktive ak enfim WhatsApp Chat Feature nan kat biznis dijital ou a.
Ou ka telechaje foto pwodwi oswa nenpòt foto ki gen rapò ak biznis nan seksyon galri ou a.
Ou ka lis tout sèvis ou yo ak imaj ak deskripsyon nan seksyon sa a.
Ou ka lis tout metòd peman ou aksepte nan kat biznis dijital ou.
Ou ka montre lè ouvèti biznis ou.
You can integrate your YouTube Link with your digital business card.
Ou ka montre kote boutik / biznis ou nan Google Maps.
Tout prezans medya sosyal ou yo nan yon kat biznis dijital.
Nou itilize tèm modèn pou koòdone itilizatè.
Nou te kreye tout desen pwofesyonèl.
Nou bay plis enpòtans pou chaj paj la.
Non ou oswa biznis kèlkeswa sa li ye.
Bon envestisman ap ba ou 10 fwa plis revni.
Best For Small Sized Company
5 Magazen
5 Kategori
250 Pwodwi yo
Anviwònman Avanse
Pwogresis Web App (PWA)
Lyen pèsonalize
Kache Branding
Enstalasyon gratis
Sipò gratis
Best For Emerging Companies
10 Magazen
5 Kategori
550 Pwodwi yo
Anviwònman Avanse
Pwogresis Web App (PWA)
Lyen pèsonalize
Kache Branding
Enstalasyon gratis
Sipò gratis
Withing 990 product
20 Magazen
9 Kategori
990 Pwodwi yo
Anviwònman Avanse
Pwogresis Web App (PWA)
Lyen pèsonalize
Kache Branding
Enstalasyon gratis
Sipò gratis
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